LIBERAL, Kan. – Seward County Community College’s Board of Trustees met on Monday March 1, with an unusually crowded conference room, as Student Union Vice President Celeste Donovan introduced the 2020-21 cohort of Presidential Scholars to the board. Vice Chairman Marvin Chance Jr., who served in the absence of Chairman Ron Oliver, welcomed the nine eligible students. The recipients of the college’s most comprehensive scholarship, the presidential scholarship holders, complete leadership training and usually meet with the board of directors at the beginning of the academic year. Although pandemic precautions have changed normal activities, Donovan said, “We are so proud of this group of young people who are high achievers and committed to their education and service to others.”
With six members in attendance (trustee Casey Mein attending through Zoom) the board quickly moved through an easy agenda. With a view to the end of the fiscal year, the Board of Directors approved date changes for the monthly meetings from Monday, June 7, 2021 through Monday, June 28, 2021 and from Monday, July 5, 2021 through Monday, July 19, 2021, respectively. To bypass the Labor Day holidays, the board moved its September meeting to Tuesday, September 7, 2021. Finally, the annual board seat was set for Monday, April 26, 2021 at 6 p.m. allowing the president and the Discuss the board of trustees, annual goals, guidelines, and strategies for the overall success of the college.
In a matter of procedure in connection with emergency purchases, the board approved the purchase and replacement of an air treatment unit and a coil in the student union building above the cafeteria. The repairs took place February 8-10 after Roger Scheib, Director of Facilities, received a call from security about a water leak in the cafeteria. “The leak was severe enough to stop the cafeteria from operating until noon the following day,” said Scheib in his report. “This was viewed as an emergency purchase as the main unit heats the cafeteria serving area, office, food storage and toilet. The coils are specifically designed for each unit, so time was of the essence. We run electrical heaters that are overloaded and are causing circuit breakers to blow. This could develop into a health and safety issue over long periods. “ Johnson Controls has Liberal based repair technicians who were able to quickly review, quote and complete the job, he added. The total cost was $ 23,285.00.
Luke Dowell, vice president of academic affairs, introduced proposed changes to two industrial technology programs. The diesel technology program suggests removing alternative fuels and preventive maintenance as stand-alone courses. The necessary knowledge and skills are imparted in other courses. The HVAC course is reduced from 4 credit hours to 2 credit hours.
“These changes are in line with expectations for NATEF accreditation as instructors work toward the goal of becoming NATEF recertified,” said Dowell. The AAS degree changes from 68 to 60 credit hours, while the certificate changes from 53 to 45 hours.
Changes are being made to the drafting and design technology program by removing four drawing courses and replacing them with four courses from other disciplines. The Academic Council (AAC) has approved the proposed changes.
“The program committee believed that adding courses that incorporate other manual skills to their editorial knowledge and skills would better suit the needs of the regional industry,” said Dowell. “The new courses include Trade Basics, OSHA 10, Quality Principles, and Introduction to Computer Concepts. These courses provide skills and knowledge that students need in the workplace. “The changes do not change the total credit hours of the AAS degree or any of the certificates.
After the proposal is unanimously approved by the Board, changes to both courses will be submitted to the Kansas Board of Regents for review.
The board heard the following reports:
- Sports director Dan Artamenko reported that for all seven teams in action, athletics focused on COVID logs both internally and externally, “and against the weather as well,” he said. “We are still optimistic about finishing all seasons this semester. We’re currently in a phase with a team playing 45 out of 48 days. “On campus, improvements to the west entrance of the greenhouse will continue while the All American room has been upgraded.
- Kyle Woodrow, chief development officer, announced dates for the foundation’s fundraiser. The annual auction, which will take place entirely online, is scheduled for May 15th. The preliminary date for the live event next year is September 25, 2021. In the development office, the position of coordinator was filled by Sherelle Shuck, with reviews of the Alumni & Giving coordinator and the association director for annual giving positions being examined. The date for the annual meeting of the SCCC Foundation has been postponed to Wednesday March 31st.
- Louie Lemert, Chief Information Officer, noted that IT is keeping up with the level of work submitted via email, phone and ticketing system: “We continue to work with contractors to test and change the wireless network before the Installation in other buildings is completed. “he stated.
- Student Union vice president Celeste Donovan reported that the college had received an additional $ 367,280 in CARES Act funds to be distributed to students. The management team and the grant office met to discuss a distribution plan. Funds must begin distribution no later than mid-April or SCCC must return the money. Plans are underway for the graduation, which is expected to be live but will be split into multiple ceremonies to keep the numbers down in the gym. All Saints Day, which will be limited to 30 people per session, is set with four ASDs in April, one in May, and three in June. “The times and dates for July and August will be set as we near completion,” she said.
- Luke Dowell, vice president of academic affairs, said spring semester classes are going relatively smoothly, “with the exception of weather issues. Instructors were allowed to remotely hold classes on February 15-17, and students were encouraged to ask their instructors for information about the class details. Aside from grumbling about ruining days of snow, that went well. “
- Dennis Sander, Vice President of Finance and Operations, announced that the completion of the federal annual report (by December 31, 2020) for CARES funds has been submitted, with the funds being made available for the student grants issued. “About 2/3 of the first round of institutional aid is spent, leaving $ 118,461 for allocation or spending. We have until July to fully spend these funds, ”he noted. The college is in the process of interpreting the accepted use of the second round of stimulus funds. At this point in time, this includes allocations of $ 250,000 to SPARK funds, $ 367,280 to student CARES funds, and $ 1,168,097 to CARES institutional funds.
- President Brad Bennett reported The majority of SCCC workers received their first dose of the vaccine on February 24th. The next KACCT meeting is on March 6th (Saturday), the Council of Presidents will meet on April 9th at Cowley College, and the Jayhawk conference meeting is scheduled for March 1st.