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Chadron Schools Board has decided to spend $ 7,500, plus the cost of a technical advisor, to determine if the HVAC system on the roof of the elementary school is not working properly.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 10:52 p.m. CST
Chadron Schools Board has decided to spend $ 7,500, plus the cost of a technical advisor, to determine if the HVAC system on the roof of the elementary school is not working properly.
The district recently had Scottsbluff’s Farris Engineering review the system and equipment of the international conglomerate LG, but the company found no design flaws and thought some problems could be software issues.
Farris recommended consulting David Powers, describing him as the man LG calls on for troubleshooting or tricky installations.
Board members Tye Pourier and Boone Huffman both said $ 7,500 is a lot of money with no guarantees to fix the issues, that the district needs answers, and that it could turn out to be the best $ 7,500 the district has has issued.
Superintendent Ginger Meyer agreed, saying the Chadron district had already spent a lot of money on a number of repairs that didn’t work. All buildings in the district would have varying degrees of HVAC problems.
Meyer also said Chadron isn’t the only district struggling with the latest infrastructure technology, reporting that her old district had similar issues with a third-party HVAC system for several years – and is still trying to fix them .