Wolf Creek Local Superintendent Doug Baldwin gives an update on the Driver’s Education program during the district’s monthly board meeting on Monday.
(Photo by James Dobbs)
Board President Hugh Arnold was elected as President Pro Tem until the 2023 organizational meeting, which was scheduled for Jan. 9, 2023, during the Wolf Creek Local Board meeting on Monday.
(Photo by James Dobbs)
Wolf Creek Local Superintendent Doug Baldwin gives an update on the Driver’s Education program during the district’s monthly board meeting on Monday.
(Photo by James Dobbs)
Superintendent Doug Baldwin gave an update on the school’s HVAC installation and the driver’s education program during the Wolf Creek Local Board meeting on Monday.
Baldwin said he’s been receiving weekly HVAC updates.
“The high school gym as far as the piping will be complete this week,” said Baldwin. “That doesn’t mean it runs.”
Baldwin added that you wouldn’t know the workers from Morrison Inc. were working on the school’s HVAC system if they weren’t visible.
“They have done a really nice job of not disrupting anything,” he said.
Board President Hugh Arnold was elected as President Pro Tem until the 2023 organizational meeting, which was scheduled for Jan. 9, 2023, during the Wolf Creek Local Board meeting on Monday.
(Photo by James Dobbs)
Baldwin mentioned that they have been working in the gym for the last month, as gym class and lunch go on as usual.
Baldwin said Wolf Creek Local is the Driver’s Ed front runner. He said they have three instructors, Roger Doak, Janice Schaad and Jeff Welch, who are almost finished with their training. He said some districts only have instructors who can drive on Sundays, but that isn’t the case for Wolf Creek.
“These people were coming in anytime of the day that can work into kids schedules, whether it’s lunch, study hall, or whatever to help them through it,” he said.
Suellen Coleman, Waterford High School principal, said they have to attribute a lot of their program’s success to Missy Antill, teacher.
She has been helping organize the program and lesson plans.
“I think it’s going to continue to be a good thing,” said Baldwin, about the program.
The board unanimously passed a resolution allowing driving instructors to operate the district’s driver’s education car for the purpose of training students.
During the Waterford Elementary update, Principal Brad Lanier gave a shoutout to the fifth through twelfth grade band and choir students for doing a great job at the Dec. 8 Christmas concert. He said kindergarten through fourth grade students will have their concert on Monday, Dec. 19, at 7 p.m.
Baldwin said he was really impressed with how well the band and chorus performed.
Lanier said this past Friday, fourth, fifth, sixth, and eighth grade students learned about different career paths from Marietta College, Ohio State University, Ohio University, University of Rio Grande, West Virginia University at Parkersburg, Washington County Career Center, and Washington State Community College.
Lanier said they introduced student clubs back into the school in an assembly on Monday, as COVID has seemed to dissipate. Some of the clubs introduced were Chess Club, Recycling Club, and Archery Club, among others. He said the students cheered with excitement and are looking forward to it.
Coleman gave the high school’s update and discussed the school’s Thanksgiving meal.
“It was pretty touching to see some of the kids that have never eaten ‘family style’ have that opportunity at the table with the kids,” she said.
Coleman said they ended up with extra meals and some of the staff and students delivered the extra meals to some of the shut-ins and elderly members in the community.
At the end of the meeting, the board went into executive session for the purpose of doing the Treasurer and Superintendent annual evaluations, with no action to be taken afterward.
During the meeting Hugh Arnold, board president, was elected as President Pro Tem to see over the organizational meeting in January, where the next board president will be chosen.
The next Wolf Creek board meeting is scheduled for Jan. 9, 2023, immediately following an organizational meeting at 6 p.m. in the high school’s library.
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