Hyde County has been awarded Urgent Repair Program 2022 funding from the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency. This program is geared towards helping the elderly, disabled, veterans, and single parents who are homeowners that may need financial help with repairing their homes. Ten homes will be selected based on eligibility, with up to $12,000.00 in repairs awarded to each home.
The Urgent Repair Program (URP) finances emergency home repairs for North Carolina
homeowners who are elderly or have special needs and whose incomes are below 50 percent of the median for their area. Emergency repairs correct housing conditions that threaten your life or safety, such as failing septic systems, dangerous heating systems, or rotten floors. The program can also pay for accessibility modifications that allow you to remain in your home after an injury or serious illness.
To be eligible for assistance under URP 2022:
- Applicants must reside in Hyde County;
- Applicants must prove they own and occupy the home in need of repair;
- Applicants must have a household income which does not exceed 50% of the County median income for the household size (See income limits below);
- Applicants must have a special need (ie be elderly, at least 62 years old, handicapped or disabled, a single parent with a dependent living at home, a military veteran, a large family with greater than 5 household members, or a household with a child below the age of 6 with lead hazards in the home);
- Applicants must have urgent repair needs, which cannot be met through other state or federally-funded housing assistance programs;
- The property must be free of any back taxes or liens in default at the time of application unless a payment plan has been established and payments are current. If the applicant is unsure, he/she should call the Hyde County Tax Office at 252.926.4188 prior to submitting the application.
Applications can be obtained in person at the Hyde County Government Center, online at the Hyde County Government website, or you can request an application be sent by mail.
Return completed applications to Hannah Elkins, Lead for North Carolina Fellow. She is also available to answer any questions regarding this program at 252.926.4191 or by email at helkins@hydecountync.gov.
Application deadline is January 11, 2023. Households to be offered assistance will be selected by February 13th, 2023.