The secret to keeping home maintenance costs down is staying at least one step of emergencies. Taking care of your home’s heating, cooling, plumbing and electrical systems on a regular basis is much less expensive than making emergency repairs on major break-downs. Not to mention that late-night, weekend repairs are extremely inconvenient!
Staying ahead of emergencies often means thinking a few months ahead — in this case, preparing for summer’s extreme heat before spring has sprung.
“After the last snow and before the first heat wave is the perfect time for your annual air conditioner inspection,” says Ted Fox, owner of Fox Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Electrical. “It’s not just about avoiding inconvenient break-downs. Regular maintenance improves your energy efficiency too.”
If your unit is fairly new and still under factory warranty, Fox says you’re likely required to have it professionally serviced every six or 12 months to maintain the warranty. For older units, a spring inspection helps avoid breakdowns and lower energy costs.
Fox’s Spring A/C Checks launch Mar. 1! You can also sign up for the Fox Service Partner Plan, which includes an annual Air Conditioner Inspection and many other services to keep your home maintenance on track.
3 steps to a spring A/C inspection:
- Clean: “Getting dust off is the most important thing, so give your A/C unit a quick spray down with the garden hose. These units are designed to be outside in all kinds of weather, so as long as you’re not using a pressure washer you won’t cause any damage,” Fox says. Your Fox technician will also carefully clean parts inside the unit.
- Inspect: Look for signs of water leakage around the furnace — that’s an indication of a problem. Check your furnace filter and replace it for maximum efficiency. Your Fox technician will also inspect the internal coil for damage and cleanliness, and ensure all electrical connections are in good shape.
- Repair: “Bugs crawl inside and burn out electrical connections all the time — it can ruin your whole unit if you’re not on top of it.” Your Fox technician will also check your refrigerant levels to make sure your unit isn’t leaking harmful gasses, and inform you of exactly how your unit is functioning.
One more way to show your air conditioner some love is with Whole-Home Surge Protection. Give your home another layer of protection from Okanagan lightning storms, a power outage or a tripped circuit breaker.
For more home maintenance tips and exclusive savings, visit, follow them on Facebook. Call 1-833-793-4569 to request service for plumbing, heating, cooling or electrical issues, or schedule service online.
Home Improvement Okanagan