30 Sep 2022 | 07:22am IST
Repair of ACs at Ravindra Bhavan begin
Team Herald
MARGAO: Tiatr fraternity will soon be able to perform their shows and entertain the tiatr lovers, as the installation of three main AC chillers began on Thursday, after a frantic effort.
Agnelo Fernandes, member secretary, Ravindra Bhavan, Margao expressed hope that the installation of the AC chillers will resolve the issue — no tiatr shows due to breakdown in the ACs.
The early reciprocating type chiller was outdated and difficult to maintain due to unavailability of its spare parts for maintenance purpose, and consuming heavy power.
“It is therefore proposed to replace the said existing faulty and outdated reciprocating chiller with a new one. It is also proposed that, the capacity of the chiller may increased and new screw type chiller may be installed/replace with capacity having 100 TR, to avoid any such future breakdowns of any chiller, which may hamper the smooth functioning of scheduled events at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao,” he stated.
Ravindra Bhavan is considered as Mecca of Tiatr and is running very successfully and catering to the needs of all tiatr lovers of South Goa. It remains houseful on Saturdays and Sundays and maximum three shows are held on every Saturdays and Sundays. As such the replacement of the third chiller is of utmost importance as two of the three chillers were not functioning.