The North Platte Public Schools Board of Education will discuss approval of bids for the McDonald Elementary HVAC system at Monday’s regular meeting.
The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. at McKinley Education Center.
The board will discuss approval of the Dana Cole 2021-22 audit. Under the consent agenda, the board will accept the resignations of Dawn Wheeler and David Milleson, both effective May 24, 2023; and approve the teaching contract for Jefferson Cox, effective Jan. 5, 2023.
Executive Director of Finance Stuart Simpson will present the finalized student enrollment for the 2022-23 school year. The numbers show a drop from 3,597 in 2021-22 to 3,528 for 2022-23.
The largest drop in students was at Lincoln Elementary, which went from 286 to 259. Cody Elementary, however, showed an increase from 202 to 222 students over last year.
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North Platte High School had a low number over the last five years of 1,204 students in 2020-21, but rebounded to 1,219 last year. For the current year, there was a minimal drop in numbers at NPHS of seven students.
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