A new “Flood of 69” sign will soon be installed in the Gulch near the bocci pit after Trail council granted the Rossland Streamkeepers $580 at the May 25 council meeting. The cash will be used to replace the original sign that was stolen by vandals last fall.
Rossland Streamkeepers have a set of seven interpretive signs for the Trail Creek Watershed, one of which was ripped from its cement moorings at the Gulch Park in 2021 sometime between Oct. 16 and Nov. 27.
Volunteers from streamkeepers explain that the sign is an integral part of the Streamkeeper WaterWalk and is for the benefit of residents in Trail, Rossland and Warfield. It originally cost about $1,500 when it was installed three years ago.
The ‘Flood of 69’ sign relates the history of the Trail Creek flood, an historic disaster that befell the city on April 23 of that year. The production and installation of the sign was approved by the Trail Historical Society and the city.
***Scroll to bottom of story for photos***
The streamkeepers are still asking for information about this act of vandalism or if anyone happens to recover the original sign to contact them via Facebook: @rosslandstreamkeepers.
The Village of Warfield is contributing $230 toward the sign replacement.
Who are the Rossland Streamkeepers?
The Rossland Society for Environmental Action (RSEA) provides advisory and administration assistance for local environmental initiatives, and helps secure funding like the grant from the City of Trail, that will benefit community residents of Rossland, Warfield and Trail and the surrounding area.
The Rossland Streamkeepers is supported by RSEA as they provide watershed awareness to local communities.
RSEA is a member of the Trail and District Chamber of Commerce.
HVAC approved
Council awarded a $36,000 contract to Engineered Air, a Calgary-based commercial manufacturer, to supply a new HVAC unit serving the refrigeration plant room in the Trail Memorial Centre.
Engineered Air was the lowest of four bids.
For 2022, council approved $100,000 of capital funding for replacement of the HVAC unit in the facility’s refrigeration room. In April, the city’s engineering consultant developed a specification for the HVAC unit before sending out the project to tender.
Given the long equipment lead time, corporate officer Michelle McIsaac advised council that it is in the city’s best interest to expedite the process by purchasing the HVAC unit direct from the manufacturer. Once the unit has been ordered, the city can then seek quotes from mechanical contractors to complete the installation.
Movie money
Council green-lighted the application dated May 16 from the Trail and District Arts Council requesting a cash grant in the amount of $630 to help support the outdoor drive-in theatre events being held at Haley Park. Due to rain, the first movie was moved to the Bailey Theatre on Friday. The second family-friendly movie will air in the park in July, weather permitting.
READ MORE: Trail stricken by flood; 50 years later
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B.C. Floods 2021City of Trail
Flood of 69 sign in 2019.
Flood of 69 sign today.