PROJECT: Stuttgart HVAC Replacement
BID DATE: Thursday February 17th, 2022
BID FAX: 501-228-6616
BID TIME: 2:00 p.m.
NCS-LR is accepting subcontractors/supplier pricing for the Stuttgart School District on the above referenced project. We invite you to bid on your scope of work. Please see below for ways to access the documents or contact Leslie Beckham at 501-217-5596. Please let us know if you will be bidding this project by emailing back your response to the above email addresses.
A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT IS AS FOLLOWS: HVAC Upgrades to Stuttgart Schools JR High Gym, High School Gym, Park Ave. Elementary, Votech, and Meekins Middle School. This project will start when school is out for summer and must be completed before kids return to school.
Copies of plans, project manual and proposed contract documents will be available for reviewing at the office of Nabholz Construction Services’ Little Rock Aldersgate Office & digital document can be accessed through Building Connected Invitation Notice from Josh Thessing.
SEALED BIDS will be received at Nabholz Little Rock Office, 1718 Aldersgate Rd. Little Rock, AR 72205 to the attention of NABHOLZ CONSTRUCTION until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 22nd, 2021. EMAILED OR FAXED BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE NOON.
Public Bid Opening: The bids will be read aloud in the lower conference room of the Nabholz 1718 Aldersgate Road, Little Rock, AR office. Bids received after the above stated closing time will be returned to the bidder. Bids are to be on a lump sum basis and must be filled out on the provided bid form. Fax number is 501-228-6616.
Proposals shall include all labor, material, applicable taxes, insurance, equipment, etc., for a complete job. If your bid or proposal on this project exceeds $50,000, please send a copy of your current Arkansas Contractors License. A bid bond is required for all bids exceeding $35,000. Faxed proposals received before noon on bid date at the Nabholz Construction office are acceptable, if a hard copy is received within 24 hours. Once bids are received, they will be reviewed for completeness, the responsible lowest bidder will be notified.All bids will be taken under advisement.
PRE-BID MEETING: This meetings date/time will be announced later. School is in session every day until the bid so we will set a date later for everyone to do a site investigation after school is out for the day. It is important that every bidder visits the site to see existing conditions.
Bidders must comply with regulatory and licensing requirements of the State of Arkansas and other applicable Arkansas statutes. To be considered, bidders must be licensed on day of bid opening. Nabholz and the Owner reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid.
Nabholz is an equal-opportunity employer. All Women Owned Businesses (WBE), Minority Owned Businesses (MBE), and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) including women, minority, disabled or veteran-owned business, are encouraged to submit a proposal or bid.
Should you have any questions concerning this project, please email them to