INDIANAPOLIS — With a large winter storm expected to hit Central Indiana at the end of this week, heating and cooling companies are preparing for an influx of people who need their furnaces checked.
“A lot of times people call — they just can’t keep up and it’s typically because the filter is plugged up,” Jerry Bullock with Chapman Heating, Air and Plumbing said. “Your furnace is going to be running non-stop, so the more it runs, the more air that goes across the filter. It’s the number one nemesis for the cold weather.”
RELATED: WRTV Storm Team Daily Forecast
Experts say when temperatures get really low, it’s important to keep your thermostat at a consistent temperature.
“Most everybody nowadays has a smart thermostat that’s digital and can perform a setback to save energy and what not. I always recommend doing away with those setbacks because you don’t want to lose ground,” Bullock said.
INDOT is also preparing its drivers, trucks and construction sites.
“The biggest thing is making sure things like barricades and signage are secure, especially with the higher winds that we are expecting, so just kind of making sure everything is secure doing what we can to make sure things stay in place,” Natalie Garrett with INDOT said.
RELATED: Tips for preparing your home for the incoming extreme cold weather | Tips to prepare your vehicle for extreme cold weather