The Lincoln County commissioners Monday will consider proposals from Johnson Controls for hardware and software upgrades for HVAC and smoke control at the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.
At the Feb. 28 commissioners meeting, Sheriff Jerome Kramer expressed frustration that the company was not available to answer questions about the proposal.
The problem is with software and hardware that is 11 years old, Chief Deputy Sheriff Roland Kramer said at that meeting. Johnson Controls offered two proposals to correct the problem for about $25,000.
» Consider a contract with Winston Michael Contracting Inc. for a salt shed for the Department of Roads.
» Authorize the chairman to sign a right-of-way application submitted by Hershey Telephone Co.
» Consider appointment of a Lincoln County representative to the Community Action Partnership of Mid-Nebraska
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» Consider authorizing the chairman to sign the special designated liquor application by Big Red Liquor LLC for a fundraiser March 26 at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds
The meeting begins at 9 a.m. in the Commissioners Room at the Lincoln County Courthouse.
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