MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) – You may be warm inside your home, but you may not be so safe. Temperatures will be getting below freezing, and that’s low enough for your pipes to potentially burst.
“Naturally, everybody is concerned about their pipes freezing, especially like this coming weekend when the wind chill is going to be real low,” said Damon Jones, operations manager of Bill Bradley Services.
Here are some basic tips from Damon. Start off by increasing the heat in your home by at least 2 degrees. If you have water supply coming from an exterior wall of your home, open the cabinets and let your faucet drip. If the dripping stops, you know your pipe is frozen. If it freezes, Jones says to leave it alone.
“When it thaws out, it will let the pressure out, the water will start running again, and you’ll persevere your pipes,” said Jones.
Jones says while your water bill may be up by running your faucets, it’s much cheaper than if a pipe were to burst. Pipes, walls and floors affected by a burst can cost homeowners thousands of dollars, according to Jones.
“The last thing you want to do is have a water line in your attack burst because then your house is going to get soaked,” said Jones.
To prevent any access water going rapid due to a burst, remember to turn off your water.
If you have time to get one, Jones says pipe sleeves also work.
As for homes on concrete slabs, their pipes are less likely to freeze than conventional homes.
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