the Need For Speed games are all over the place when it comes to quality. However, the one area the games don’t lack is the immersion and realism of racing. Which has made the Need For Speed games fun for players. Need For Speed: Heat leans into that realism, with intense cop chases and the most important one, car damage. In turn these deep mechanics have made it one of the better entries in the series. Vehicles in Need For Speed: Heat can take a beating, and damage doesn’t really impact the performance of the car.
Even though damage doesn’t hinder gameplay much for players, damage does build up and if players are trying to escape from cops, the chase gets harder. The good thing about Need For Speed: Heat, is that it gives players tons of options to fix their cars, some ways are more convenient than others. Like driving through a gas station brings back health. But what players may not know is that they can fix their cars on demand. This guide will help players get the perk, plus teach them how to use it, something oddly Need For Speed: Heat doesn’t go over.
Auxiliary upgrades
One of the best things players can do in Need For Speed: Heat is the high degree of customization, and for a street racer, it’s quite a bit. The auxiliary upgrade section is an area that players may overlook, this is where players can add things to enhance the car outside of performance. These include enhancements like kill switches, EMP blasts, and other things to aid players. They are split into two sections and operate differently. One is passive, and the other is active.
The passive auxiliary upgrades activate during certain situations and active ones where players can use them at will. Repair kits fall into the active auxiliary section because players will need to use them whenever their car takes damage. To get this, players should head to Lucas’s garage and head over to the auxiliary upgrade section. From there, players will see two boxes, one for passive and the other for active. After selecting the active one, they’ll see the repair kit upgrade. After buying it, players should head out of the garage, and in the bottom right-hand corner, they’ll see that they have 2 repair kits
Activating Theme
As mentioned before, Need For Speed: Heat offers many ways for players to get their car fixed up. Going through a gas station is more convenient than going back to Lucas’s garage, especially during a race. Repair kits, take the convenience even further because players can do it mid-race or in the middle of any other activity. If players are racing with off-road vehicles, on an off-road track, with no gas station nearby, using a repair kit can be a lifesaver. However, even though repair kits are on-demand, players should note they’re only allowed two repair kit fixes before replenishing them at a garage. On top of only getting two repairs, the repair kit doesn’t fully fix the car, so players should use it strategically.
With that, they should time it since Need For Speed: Heat features some intense cop chases, which can get hard with the increase of Heat Level. Using the repair kits during these chases can be more effective, as long as they use these tips as well. There’s a lot Need For Speed: Heat doesn’t tell players, using repair kits is one of them. On the Xbox consoles and PC, players simply press the B button, on Playstation consoles, players should press the circle button.
Need For Speed: Heat is available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, and PC.