Hello, my name is James Davis. I am a retired Texas teacher who is in a situation that I need help with. Three days before Christmas my furnace went out because of a cracked heat exchanger. I have been using electric heaters to try to keep warm. On Friday before Christmas an arctic blast hit Texas and a lot of the country. I was going to be smart and cut off my water so I wouldn’t have frozen pipes. However with the high winds and a temperate of 11 degrees, I thought that was the smart thing to do. I was so wrong when the temperate reached 30 on Christmas Day I turned on the water. About 3 hours later I realized that the rug in my hall by the bathroom was wet and on investigation I found it was soaked in water. So much for being so smart about cutting off the water. Now I have to have a new furnace and get my broken pipe fixed. I am 80 years old on a fixed TRS pension from teaching for 30 years and need financial help to fix my problem. I have never asked for help before and it is not easy for me to do this, but I am at my Witt’s end as to how to get the money. I know I will get an IRS refund but I don’t know the amount. It won’t be neat enough to help but a small amount. If anyone can help me I will appreciate it more that
n you can ever know. I don’t get paid but once a month and my Social Security is just enough to cover my home and car insurance, so mostly my pension is what I have to live on. I do substitute teach but the last two months have not had as many jobs as I usually get. So that is my situation. If you can help me, I will certainly appreciate it. I have prayed for an answer and gofundme was suggested by a friend. Thank you for reading this and thank you for your help. Any amount will be appreciated