MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) – The Gwinn Middle & High School will soon be getting a new HVAC system.
The school district’s board of education approved a bid of $1,600,000 from United Contractors to install new internal ventilators, external ventilators and other new HVAC components at a meeting on Monday.
In addition, Concerned Parent Natasha Tadgerson expressed concern over a second grader who brought a knife to KI Sawyer Elementary School.
Tadgerson said that while she believes the district handled the situation appropriately, it needs to be better prepared in case of an active safety incident.
“What about our teachers, our educators, our staff members? Have they been trained with the information on how to protect themselves or how to handle situations like that? What does that look like?,” Tadgerson asked the board. “To me, this is about prevention.”
Gwinn Area Public Schools Board of Education Vice President Dawn Andrews said the district is working on a disciplinary rubric for these situations.
“A district-wide rubric would solve the problem and I know that we’re in the process of working on that,” Andrews said. “I would like that to be done sooner rather than later.”
Also at Monday’s meeting, Gwinn Area Public Schools Superintendent Brandon Bruce reviewed a tentative floor plan from 2014 showing what a possible K-12 school could look like.
Last week, Bruce said his goal is to condense Gwinn Middle & High School, Gilbert Elementary and KI Sawyer Elementary into one school.
The board encourages the public to attend a strategic plan review on Feb. 18.
Bruce noted that the discussion on consolidating the district into one school will be further discussed at this meeting.
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