BRIDGEWATER, Va. (WHSV) – A program by the Central Valley Habitat for Humanity, geared toward providing affordable improvements for homeowners in the Valley, is currently taking applications.
The Critical Home Repair Program provides an opportunity for homeowners to improve safety and energy efficiency, or install critical items like safe bathrooms and weatherproofing. The ultimate goal is to provide necessary repairs to those households that would not normally qualify for a conventional loan or be able to cover repair costs themselves.
“The concept that we can extend housing, make it safe and secure and people can continue to have a decent place to live just by doing some basic repairs for them,” Executive Director David Wenger said.
Wenger explained that the program, along with their Homeownership program, is funded by the nonprofit’s ReStore which was opened earlier this year. A recent repair Wenger makes note of and says the Habitat for Humanity was glad to provide was a wheelchair ramp for a community member who said they hadn’t been out of the house in years.
Staff and volunteers also hope by providing this service, will help to relieve the financial stress of home repairs.
“If your windows are no longer efficient as far as heating and cooling you’re paying increased electrical bills. If you have water leaks and if you don’t get on those pretty quickly you’re going to have major problems instead of minor problems,” Wenger said.
According to CVHfH, some stipulations of the program include the total cost of the repair must be less than $5,000, and residents must live in Harrisonburg or Rockingham County, as well as provide a credit check and source of income.
For more information on how to apply and other details about the program, click here.
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