if we think respiratory diseases And we try to associate them with a certain time of year, which is what we think of as the coldest months possible. However, summer is also the time for these types of diseases, especially if we are exposed to conditions of significant temperature changes, humidity and drafts … It is here that colds, pharyngitis, laryngitis arise … Such diseases Which, today, coexist with covid, which also changes the symptoms. This is why it is important to learn to differentiate them in order to take appropriate measures. Note the difference between symptoms of covid and air conditioning pharyngitis.
Air conditioning covid or pharyngitis? so you can tell them apart
The more sudden the change in temperature, the more likely it is to get respiratory illness, as in the case of pharyngitis. It is a summer classic which, till date, co-exists with Covid. Especially in years like this, marked by a succession of heat waves and the abuse of air conditioning, damage to our respiratory tract often occurs.
The first thing is prevention and therefore, as explained Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC), It is important to avoid using air conditioning for a long time and at a temperature lower than the recommended temperature: we should always run in a comfortable range around 21 degrees. If there is any time of day when air conditioning use is particularly harmful, it is undoubtedly night. Also, it is important Avoid exposure to these direct currentsEspecially with wet hair or if we are sweating. It is also advisable to use a humidifier to compensate for the increased dryness of the air.
In any case, and given the coincidence of summer with a new wave of COVID infections, it is important to learn that Differentiate between the two diseases: is in both cases Throat painBut there are a few key differences that can help make it clear what picture you’re facing.
thus Symptoms of Pharyngitis These include swelling or irritation of the pharynx, trouble swallowing, fever, malaise, redness of the pharynx, the presence of white or brown plaques, pain when swallowing saliva or food, swollen and painful cervical glands… Different from covid: a sore throat is present in this disease, but usually to some extent, usually milder than in the case of pharyngitis.
It should be remembered that the most common symptoms with new variants in the case of covid are Fever, dry cough, tiredness, sore throat, muscle aches and runny nose, Some typical symptoms of covid (although they do not always appear) are loss of smell and/or taste (very often in covid) or the presence of vomiting or diarrhea (in this case, it is a more occasional symptom, but is associated with little ) with pharyngitis). Furthermore, symptoms of COVID usually appear between two and 14 days after exposure to the virus.