A major project planned for the Webster County Courthouse next year will result in some offices being temporarily relocated, and perhaps moved into another building for awhile.
A complete replacement of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in the 120-year-old building is planned.
The Board of Supervisors was briefed on the plans Tuesday by representatives of Engineering Design Associates, of Sioux Center.
The supervisors were told that the plans and diagrams for the project will be complete in December. The board could then seek bids from contractors interested in doing the work in January.
Construction is anticipated to begin the spring of 2023 and be completed by the spring of 2024.
A cost estimate for the project was not presented Tuesday.
In other business, the board voted to lease about 170 acres of county-owned farm land to Breyton and Jaden Cline of Callender for $366 an acre. The lease is for one year. The land is south of Iowa Highway 7 and west of the CJ Bio America plant.
Supervisor Keith Dencklau said the Clines have farmed the land for a couple of years.
The board also hired TEAM Services Inc., of Des Moines, to test materials to be used in the construction of the new riverfront nature center in Fort Dodge to ensure that they meet the specifications. The company will be paid $15,683.
The supervisors also purchased a compact loader for the Road Department from Clark Equipment Co for $65,544.93.
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