Sep. 7—Pittsburg County commissioners plan to review three bids submitted for the cost of installing eight 25 ton heating, ventilation and air conditioning units at the Southeast Expo Center.
Commissioners opened the bids — all of which were well over $1 million — during their regular weekly meeting at the Pittsburg County Courthouse.
They requested bids for the cost of installing the eight 25 ton HVAC units, which are to be provided by the county. Commissioners maintain they can save money by purchasing the eight HVAC units through the county, then paying separately for their installation.
Commissioners previously said getting air conditioning and heating throughout the building is one of their major goals since they took back operation of the Expo Center last year. They plan to pay for the project through the use of federal American Rescue Plan Act funds granted to the county because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pittsburg County Commission Chairman/District 2 Commissioner Kevin Smith said the commissioners plan to review the three bid submissions over the week and make sure all the specifications and legal requirements have been met. Commissioner then plan to award the bid during a public meeting, perhaps as soon as their next regular meeting, set for 9 a.m. on Sept. 12.
Smith said the lowest bid is not always the best.
Bids submitted and opened during the Tuesday meeting at the courthouse include:
—Stone Electric, McAlester — $1,350,000.
—Kurt Whiteside, McAlester — $1,859,000
—1845 Construction, Norman — $1,899,947.
Bid specifications for the Expo Center HVAC project include a 17-item checklist, which covers a variety of areas.
In addition to installation of the county-supplied control system, item 16 alone calls for the successful bidder to “provide and install refrigerant piping, refrigerant, necessary ductwork and/or connections to accommodate new AHUs, or air handling units; control wiring, necessary electrical conduits, wire, labor and materials to new AHUs and condensers for a complete job.”
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Another item calls for the winning bidder to set the county-supplied 25-ton gas package units on supplied curbs, on suppled concrete pads.
The contract also calls for one year labor to be included, with owner training on operation and maintenance.
County commissioners maintain they can use the American Rescue Plan Act federal funds for the Expo Center upgrades, since the Expo Center has been used as a mass vaccination site during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s also been used as a mass vaccination site for influenza vaccinations.
Commissioners held their regular meeting on Tuesday this week due to the Labor Day Holiday observed Monday.
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