PHOENIX — When you think about home investments, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
Was it the air conditioning unit?
Pool renovations and kitchen upgrades may seem enticing, but at the forefront of these investments arguably should be what residents use the most. In a state where summertime is sweltering, access to a functioning HVAC unit can be critical.
However, it isn’t always easy to recognize when something that’s out of sight needs repairs or to be replaced.
Technicians at Day & Night Air Conditioning, Heating and Plumbing say there are four signs that can help homeowners determine what issues they may be experiencing with their unit. It isn’t unusual for a unit to need the occasional tune up, but in some cases, replacing it entirely saves money in the long run.
1. Utility bills are increasing
Unit efficiency will drastically reduce overtime due to corrosion or dirt build-up. This could lead to the HVAC unit wasting energy and a monthly increase in utility bills.
Along with rising utility bills, constant repair fees could also pop up, so upgrading to a new unit may be the best choice.
HVAC experts can help with installing a qualified energy-efficient unit that could make you eligible for a tax break.
2. Unusual noise or smell coming from unit
If an unusual smell emits from the unit it could be a sign of mold and mildew, which can pose a health risk.
Loud rattling or vibrating could mean parts are worn out or loose, potentially leading to extensive damage to the whole system.
3. Repairs are being done too often
If repairs are being professionally done more than two times in a season, a new model might save time and money.
Although it’s normal for HVAC units to get simple repairs every now and then, more complicated items that need repairs, such as the compressor or coils, can be more costly.
If the unit requires continuous repairs, it may be beneficial to invest in a new one.
4. Unit has been in use for 10 to 12 years
If the unit is older than ten years, it might be using phased-out components.
Most units have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years, but that means the older units are running on less than a quarter of their original capacity.
It may end up using more energy to unevenly cool a home, leading to additional appliances, higher bills and more spending.