Over $38,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds are shifting from county municipalities in order to finance a rooftop air conditioning project at the Center for Independent Living following a vote by the Lycoming County Commissioners at their weekly meeting.
Following a presentation by Kristen McLaughlin, project coordinator at the SEDA Council of Governments, the commissioners agreed to move $10,790 from the Seventh Avenue reconstruction project in South Williamsport which was part of 2018 CDBG funds.The remaining funds came from 2020 CDBG Coronavirus grants. They included $3,777 from each of the following program: the Montoursville American Rescue Workers rental/mortgage/utility assistance; the Montoursville Supportive Housing Program (STEP Inc.); Jersey Shore American Rescue Workers rental/mortgage/utility assistance; Jersey Shore Supportive Housing Program; and from the county CDBG funds, $6,246 each from the American Rescue Workers rental/mortgage/utility assistance program and the Supportive Housing Program (STEP Inc.).
All municipal and county programs still have CDBG funds remaining following the transfers.
“The Center for Independent Living rooftop air conditioning unit is a critical project for them right now. They do not have very well-functioning air conditioning in that facility which is a problem to begin with but when you have people with diverse abilities, they are sometimes more sensitive to those temperature changes particularly in the summer when it’s 90 degrees out and there’s not good air conditioning,” McLaughlin said.
“So, this will address that. It’s also obviously an air flow issue too, which is why we’re trying to move those Coronavirus response funds into this particular project,” she added.
McLaughlin noted that the rental/ mortgage/utility assistance programs had not been utilized as much as expected.
“I do not think this will impact in any capacity the ability to move funds out of that project and into the hands of the individuals that need that assistance, however we know that there will be funds left over from that and that was the reason for re-allocating,” McLaughlin said.
Sal Vitko, transportation planner with the county, updated the Williamsport Area Transportation Study 2023-26 Transportation Improvement Program for the commissioners. He noted that the program is in the public comment phase which closes May 5.
About 84 projects are included in the transportation improvement program, Vitko said. There are 52 bridge projects and 25 highway projects, five safety projects and transit projects in the program. It was noted that the bridge projects are federal and not part of the county’s bridge-bundling program.
Vitko noted that in terms of county-wide projects of significance, the slide repair on Warrensville Road is being addressed and should be completed by June 2023. Residents in that area have been dealing with issues since 2019.
“They’re actually doing work on that right now. Work started this week,” Vitko said.
Safety projects include getting lighted chevrons marking the spur where Route 15 connects to I-180 and improvements to guide rails countywide.
The commissioners also approved a letter of intent with Lundy Industrial Realty LP for a property at the rear of 250 Arch St. The county has agreed to pay $90,100 in rent for the facility which was used by the County Coroner from November 2020 through March 31, 2022. It also establishes that the fair market value sets the sale price of the property.
“Pending the appraisal and the outcome of that we are just notifying the Lundy company that these are the terms,” said Matthew McDermott, director of administration.
The coroner had utilized the facility during the pandemic when there was a need for more refrigerated storage. The county is also trying to determine if the building, depending on the appraised value, will be suitable for a permanent location for the coroner and several other county services.
In other actions, the commissioners approved:
Appointing Steven C. Hartley, of the McCormick Law firm, as an additional solicitor at a rate of $100 per hour.
Applicant tracking system for the Human Resources Department from KeldairHR.
A software renewal licensing agreement with Melillo Consulting.
The 2022-23 Intermediate Punishment Treatment Program grant application to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
A change order with Glenn O. Hawbaker Inc. for the Timber Run Industrial Park Access Improvement project.
An agreement with Johnson’s Controls Fire Protection LP for $17,645 to maintain the fire systems at the Third Street Plaza and the Court House.
A change order to extend the contract with Smart Recycling, Inc. for the flood mitigation, acquisition and demolition project until July 31.
The next meeting of the commissioners will be at 10 a.m. April 21 in the Commissioners’ Board Room, 1st floor Executive Plaza, 330 Pine St.
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